Course Modules

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • A message from your instructor...

    • How to use this course...

    • Before we begin...

  • 2

    Introduction to PermaFyx L273 Course

    • Training Academy - Welcome to the PermaFyx L273 course - Presented by Meon

  • 3

    Training Academy - PermaFyx L273 Module 1 – Choosing the right product - Presented by Meon

    • Training Academy - PermaFyx L273 Module 1 – Choosing the right product - Presented by Meon

    • Test your learning...

  • 4

    Training Academy - PermaFyx L273 Module 2 - Required equipment - Presented by Meon

    • Training Academy - PermaFyx L273 Module 2 - Required equipment - Presented by Meon

    • Test your learning...

  • 5

    Training Academy - PermaFyx L273 Module 3 - Site Preparation - Presented by Meon

    • Training Academy - PermaFyx L273 Module 3 - Site Preparation - Presented by Meon

    • Test your learning...

  • 6

    Training Academy - PermaFyx L273 Module 4 - Mixing - Presented by Meon

    • Training Academy - PermaFyx L273 Module 4 - Mixing - Presented by Meon

    • Test your learning...

  • 7

    Training Academy - PermaFyx L273 Module 5 - Application and cleaning - Presented by Meon

    • Training Academy - PermaFyx L273 Module 5 - Application and cleaning - Presented by Meon

    • Test your learning...

  • 8

    Next steps

    • More resources for you...

    • Before you go...

    • Finally...