Course Modules

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • A message from your instructor...

    • How to use this course...

    • Before we begin...

    • Introduction to this course...

  • 2

    Module #1 | Health & safety when using these machines

    • Health & safety when using these machines...

    • Test your learning...

  • 3

    Module #2 | Explain what each of the controls does

    • Explain what each of the controls does...

    • Test your learning...

  • 4

    Module #3 | Overview of how the machine works

    • Overview of how the machine works...

    • Test your learning...

  • 5

    Module #4 | Demonstrate how spray tips are assembled and how to choose the correct tip for the project

    • Demonstrate how spray tips are assembled and how to choose the correct tip for the project...

    • Test your learning...

  • 6

    Module #5 | Prime the LineLazer ready to spray and set gun up

    • Prime the LineLazer ready to spray and set gun up...

    • Test your learning...

  • 7

    Module #6 | Spray lines with the LineLazer

    • Spraying lines with the LineLazer...

    • Test your learning...

  • 8

    Module #7 | Cleaning and maintenance of the LineLazer

    • Cleaning and maintenance of the LineLazer...

    • Test your learning...

  • 9

    Next steps

    • More resources for you...

    • Before you go...